Hedge fund manager known for his expertise in European equity markets and his focus on fundamental analysis and identifying undervalued companies.
What are John Armitage's top stock holdings?
Explore John Armitage's largest investments on Profit.com, including companies like Microsoft Corporation, Progressive Corp, and Canadian Pacific Railway Ltd, and their significance in his portfolio.
How often does John Armitage update their portfolio?
John Armitage’s portfolio updates are typically published quarterly through SEC 13F filings, which provide detailed information about their holdings, including recent buys and sells. Additionally, real-time updates on insider trades are available through Form 4 filings, offering a more timely view of their trading activity.
What companies does John Armitage invest in?
John Armitage currently invests in companies such as Microsoft Corporation, Progressive Corp, and Canadian Pacific Railway Ltd, focusing on sectors like Financial Services and Technology.
What is the largest holding in John Armitage’s portfolio?
The largest holding in John Armitage’s portfolio is Microsoft Corporation, accounting for 7.47% of their total investments.
What is John Armitage’s most profitable investment?
One of John Armitage’s most profitable investments is GE Vernova LLC, which has generated a return of 99.06% over the past year.
How much is John Armitage’s portfolio worth?
As of 31 Jan 2025, John Armitage’s portfolio is valued at approximately $9.91B, based on the latest filings available on Profit.com.
Can I follow John Armitage’s investments to build my own portfolio?
Yes, you can use Profit.com to follow John Armitage’s portfolio and gain insights to build your own investment portfolio.
How can I follow John Armitage’s portfolio updates?
You can follow John Armitage’s portfolio updates on Profit.com, which provides notifications on the latest portfolio transactions as soon as they’re available.
How can I stay updated on John Armitage’s trades?
Stay up-to-date with John Armitage’s latest trades by following their portfolio on Profit.com. Enable notifications to receive real-time alerts on their newest buy and sell transactions.
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