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Empower your users with real-time market trends

Unlock the potential of your app with our content and analytics
Trading Alerts

Gain a competitive edge by leveraging our advanced algorithms and real-time market insights. Our algorithms analyze market trends, patterns and indicators, providing your traders with invaluable insights and better trading decisions.

Price Alerts

Never miss an important price movement again. Our customizable price alerts keep your traders informed about market fluctuations and critical price levels. Whether it's a specific price target or change, our alerts ensure your traders are always one step ahead.

Push Notifications

Stay connected with your traders on the go. Deliver timely updates, breaking news, and personalized alerts directly to their devices, ensuring they never miss an important opportunity or crucial market event

News and tweets

Economic events

Watchlist price movements

Flexible and scalable pricing

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Ideal for testing and exploring our signals at no cost

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Tailored for professionals seeking trading insights


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Designed for companies looking to scale their operations

Custom payload
Indicator Patterns
Chart Patterns
White Label
Signal Language

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Why Choose Us?

Unparalleled Expertise

With extensive industry experience, our expert team understands traders' and businesses' evolving needs.

Seamless Integration

Our user-friendly interfaces and robust APIs make the integration process smooth and hassle-free.

Exceptional Support

From initial setup to ongoing maintenance, our dedicated support team is here to assist you.

Customizable Solutions

Tailored to suit your unique business requirements, our solutions ensure a seamless integration.

Ready to take your business to the next level?
Contact us today to explore how our pre-packaged solutions can revolutionize your operations.
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Frequently Asked Questions

How do Trading Signals benefit my traders?

Can I customize the Price Alerts based on specific criteria?

What are the benefits of Push Notifications?

Can trading signals be considered as investment advice?

Is the integration process complicated?

Is customer support available if we encounter any issues?

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