Since PM Sharif (read: the deadbeat maestro) took office on April 11th, 2022, the Pakistani rupee has lost ~36% of its value vs the U.S. dollar. Sharif's monetary mismanagement has turned the rupee into a CENTRAL BANK JUNK CURRENCY and caused the PAK economy to BLEED TO DEATH.
#Pakistan's economic death spiral just keeps spinning. In this week's Hanke’s #CurrencyWatchlist, #Pakistan takes 14th place. Since Jan 2022, the Pakistani rupee has depreciated against the USD by 38%.
#PAKWatch: Since PM Sharif took office on April 11th, 2022, the Pakistani rupee has lost 57.7% of its value against the U.S. dollar. Sharif's monetary mismanagement has turned the rupee into a CENTRAL BANK JUNK CURRENCY.
Market Extra: Pakistani rupee falls to record low as civil unrest compounds country’s problems
Since Jan 1, 2022, the Pakistani rupee has depreciated by a staggering 37.7% against the USD. PM Sharif’s government is tanking the rupee.
Nearly 7 out of 10 businesses in Pakistan are concerned by a potential default. By my measure, the Pakistani rupee has depreciated against the USD by 38% since Jan 2022. The rupee is a JUNK CURRENCY.
Pakistan has turned into an over-indebted IMF deadbeat. Finance Minister Ishaq Dar has rolled out the welcome mat for a 24th IMF FAILURE. By my measure, the Pakistani rupee has depreciated against the USD by 38% since Jan 2022.
#Pakistan's economic death spiral just keeps spinning. In this week's Hanke’s #CurrencyWatchlist, #Pakistan takes 13th place. Since Jan 2022, the Pakistani rupee has depreciated against the USD by 38%. To save the rupee, PAK must install a #CurrencyBoard.
#Pakistan's economic death spiral just keeps spinning. In this week's Hanke’s #CurrencyWatchlist, #Pakistan takes 13th place. Since Jan 2022, the Pakistani rupee has depreciated against the USD by 38%. To save the rupee, PAK must install a #CurrencyBoard.
#Pakistan's economic death spiral just keeps spinning. In this week's Hanke’s #CurrencyWatchlist, #Pakistan takes 13th place. Since Jan 2022, the Pakistani rupee has depreciated against the USD by 38%. To save the rupee, PAK must install a #CurrencyBoard.
#Pakistan's economic death spiral just keeps spinning. In this week's Hanke’s #CurrencyWatchlist, #Pakistan takes 12th place. Since Jan 2022, the Pakistani rupee has depreciated against the USD by 37%. To save the rupee, PAK must install a #CurrencyBoard.
Pakistani rupee touches record low, bonds fall as IMF talks drag
Pakistani rupee plummets as markets adjust to removal of unofficial controls
Pakistani rupee plummets as markets adjust to removal of unofficial controls
Pakistani rupee plummets as markets adjust to removal of unofficial controls
In Pakistan, things go from bad to worse. The Pakistani rupee has just hit ANOTHER RECORD LOW.
Veelgestelde Vragen
Wat is de wisselkoers van DKKPKR vandaag?
De huidige wisselkoers van DKKPKR is 38.755 USD — het is gestegen met 0.27% in de afgelopen 24 uur. Bekijk de prijsontwikkeling van DKKPKR nauwkeuriger op de geavanceerde grafiek.
Hoe wordt de wisselkoers van DKKPKR berekend?
De waarde van het DKKPKR paar wordt vermeld als 1 DKK per x PKR. Bijvoorbeeld, als het paar wordt verhandeld tegen 38.755 USD, betekent dit dat je 38.755 USD PKR nodig hebt om 1 DKK te kopen.
Hoe is de DKKPKR-koers in de loop van de tijd veranderd?
DKKPKR is gestegen met 0.27% in de afgelopen 24 uur, is gedaald met -0.59% in de afgelopen week, is gestegen met 0.76% in de afgelopen maand, en is gedaald met -4.05% in het afgelopen jaar. Bekijk meer gegevens op de DKKPKR grafiek.
Wat voor soort paar is DKKPKR?
DKKPKR is een EXOTIC valutapaar, d.w.z. een populaire valuta gecombineerd met PKR.
Hoe kan ik DKKPKR verhandelen?
De gemakkelijkste manier om DKKPKR te verhandelen is via een online broker. Open gewoon een account, volg de procedures en begin met handelen. Alternatief kun je oefenen met handelen in DKKPKR op in de Playtrade-toernooien of kies een aangeraden broker om direct te handelen.
Moet ik DKKPKR nu kopen of verkopen?
Handelen vereist grondig onderzoek, inclusief het analyseren van marktnieuws, geopolitiek, rentevoeten en technische analyse. Overweeg voor je in DKKPKR investeert, om een abonnement te nemen op Profit PRO, waar je kunt oefenen met handelen in Playtrade-toernooien, toegang krijgt tot AI-gestuurde dagelijkse marktanalyse, deskundig samengestelde Watchlists kunt kopiëren en Billionaire Portfolios kunt volgen.