The fund's asset allocation strategy diversifies investments among equity securities, bonds and money market instruments. It usually invests 64% of its assets in stocks, 32% of its assets in bonds, and 4% of its assets in cash equivalents. The fund also invests in a variety of debt securities payable in U.S. and foreign currencies. It may invest in any type of U.S. or foreign equity security that meets certain fundamental and technical standards. The fund may invest up to 10% of its assets in below investment-grade securities.
What is ACOAX fund value today?
The current price of ACOAX fund is 6.32 USD — it has increased by 0.16% in the past 24 hours. Watch ACOAX fund price performance more closely on the advanced chart.
Is ACOAX fund price going up?
ACOAX fund has decreased by 0.00% in the past week, has decreased by -3.36% in the past month, and has decreased by -0.16% in the past year. See more data on ACOAX fund chart.
How can I invest in the ACOAX fund?
The easiest way to buy ACOAX fund is through an online broker. Some of the popular names are Vanguard, Fidelity, Schwab. Simply open an account, follow the procedures, and start trading. Alternatively, you can practice trading FUNDSs on in Playtrade Tournaments or choose a recommended broker to trade directly.
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