The current exchange of AEDNOK is 2.9244 USD — it has decreased by -0.76% in the past 24 hours. Watch AEDNOK price performance more closely on the advanced chart.
How is AEDNOK exchange rate calculated?
The value of the AEDNOK pair is quoted as 1 AED per x NOK. For example, if the pair is trading at 2.9244 USD, it means it takes 2.9244 USD NOK to buy 1 AED.
How has AEDNOK rate changed over time?
AEDNOK has decreased by -0.76% in the last 24 hours, has decreased by -3.38% in past week, has decreased by -4.05% in the past month, and has increased by 2.83% in the past year. See more data on the AEDNOK chart.
What kind of pair is AEDNOK?
AEDNOK is a MIDDLE EAST currency pair, i.e. a popular currency paired with NOK.
How can I trade AEDNOK?
The easiest way to trade AEDNOK is through an online broker. Simply open an account, follow the procedures, and start trading. Alternatively, you can practice trading AEDNOK on in Playtrade Tournaments or choose a recommended broker to trade directly.
Should I buy or sell AEDNOK right now?
Trading requires thorough research, including analyzing the market news, geopolitics, interst rates and technical analysis. Before investing in AEDNOK, consider subscribing to Profit PRO where can practice trading in Playtrade Tournaments, access AI-powered daily market insights, copy expertly handpicked Watchlists, and follow Billionaire Portfolios.
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