What is CAC All-Tradable Net Total Return value today?
The current value of CAC All-Tradable Net Total Return is 12684.58 — it has decreased by -1.30% in the past 24 hours. Watch CAC All-Tradable Net Total Return performance more closely on the advanced chart.
Is CAC All-Tradable Net Total Return price going up?
CAC All-Tradable Net Total Return has decreased by -1.30% in the last 24 hours, has decreased by 0.00% in past week, has decreased by -0.76% in the past month, and has increased by 1.66% in the past year. See more data on the CAC All-Tradable Net Total Return chart.
What are the largest CAC All-Tradable Net Total Return companies?
As of 12 Mar 2025, the largest companies by index weight include L’Oreal SA, Thales S.A., Virbac SA, Avanquest SA, Legrand SA, Innate Pharma. See the full list of {{name}} components.
What are the CAC All-Tradable Net Total Return components?
The CAC All-Tradable Net Total Return consists of 180 components, including L’Oreal SA, Thales S.A., Virbac SA and others. See the full list of CAC All-Tradable Net Total Return components.
How many components are in the CAC All-Tradable Net Total Return?
What sectors are represented in the CAC All-Tradable Net Total Return?
The CAC All-Tradable Net Total Return sectors include Industrials, Healthcare, Consumer Cyclical, Technology, Communication Services and more.
How can I invest in the CAC All-Tradable Net Total Return?
CAC All-Tradable Net Total Return is benchmare that tracks the performance of the components comprised in the index, so you can't invest in the index directly. However, you can buy CAC All-Tradable Net Total Return futures or invest through Index Funds or ETFs that replicate the performance of the index.
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